Color Details:
Black/Gray/Silver (S141BKGYSL)
• Gray lens tint: Reduces eye fatigue, minimizes glare, and perfect for any activity, on land or water.
• Silver flash coating for stylish mirrored look while preserving crystal-clear visual clarity.
• Black matte finish offers a versatile style.
Black/Brown/Silver (S141BKBRSL)
• Brown lens tint: Reduces high-energy visible light and haze, enhances contrast, and improves depth perception, ideal for activities like fishing, shooting, golf, tennis, etc.
• Silver flash coating for stylish mirrored look while preserving crystal-clear visual clarity.
• Black matte finish offers a versatile style.
Silver/Sienna/Blue Angler Pro (S141SSB)
• Sienna lens tint: Enhances contrast while maintaining true color perception, improving clarity, and sharpness without the harshness of darker lenses. When combined with Blue Angler Pro, it enhances water visibility for high performance in varied lighting, reduces eye strain, and is ideal for extended outdoor use near water.
• Blue Angler Pro flash enhances visibility by reducing glare from water surfaces, allowing deep sea fisherman to easily spot the next catch. It improves contrast, making it easier to distinguish colors in both bright and overcast conditions. By filtering out harsh light and reducing reflections, it minimizes eye strain, making it ideal for extended wear.
• Matte silver and frost white radiate a modern sophisticated look.